• September 16, 2024

Hands off our Second Amendment.

by Miles V Rahimi Canditate Congressional District 5 of Oklahoma It seems that Congress has all but forgotten the reality that guns don’t kill people; people kill people. That and, as evidenced by the latest 1.4 Trillion dollar bill just passed last month, how not to spend money on outrageous things. Tens of millions for […]Read More

Chief Justice Roberts Refuses To Read Whistleblower Question…Why?

This article originally appeared at SOURCE LINK Is the avoidance of an uncomfortable moment for the intelligence community more important than justice? The answer, it seems, is yes. And that should be very disappointing for Americans of all political persuasions. During the last 24 hours, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts tangled with Sen. […]Read More

Sekulow Slams Schiff: Secrecy Ok for Whistleblower, But Not for

By Susan Jones | January 30, 2020 (CNSNews.com) – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House intelligence committee, has released all but one of the transcribed interviews his committee conducted privately as part of their impeachment process. At the impeachment trial on Wednesday, Republicans asked why Schiff is still withholding the transcript of Intelligence Community […]Read More

The Future is Now

By Corey Lynn Whereas the one-eyed “Madame X” version of Madonna likes to preach “not everyone is coming to the future,” while cinching her robe to flash her upside down cross accompanied by a serpent on the other side, here’s what I believe…   Another intentional upside down cross.   I believe the future is ours for […]Read More

ABC Laments Impeachment Strategy as Botched

By Scott Whitlock | January 28, 2020 With witnesses in the House impeachment trial looking questionable, ABC on Tuesday lamented the Democratic strategy, lashing out at Nancy Pelosi and the House for botching the effort to remove Donald Trump. During a live interview, Senator Richard Blumenthal said of the move to not have witnesses: “They […]Read More