• June 26, 2024

‘Whistleblower’ Tells Us All We Need To Know

Resume Of Inspector General Behind ‘Whistleblower’ Tells Us All We Need To Know The mainstream media has portrayed Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson in glowing terms. “The intelligence community’s chief watchdog, Michael Atkinson, is known to his peers and colleagues as a highly cautious ‘straight shooter’ who tends to keep his head down,” writes Politico reporter Natasha […]Read More

They are right back at it

The people deserve to know the facts the truth and have accountability. Here we are where the speaker of the House finally admitted, Yes, she was wrong. There is no due process. What we voted on Thursday is not due process. There’s no transparency. Think about what’s happening. We had that vote on Thursday. Four […]Read More

The System Put You in a Box, But the Box

by Corey Lynn via coreysdigs.com You weren’t born to be put into a box, yet here you are with invisible constraints. At every turn you are faced with a decision – to go along with the system or break free from it. From the moment you came out of the womb, you were put into the system, entered in databases, […]Read More

It is entirely appropriate for the president to be rooting

Matt Gaetz, U.S. representative for Florida’s 1st congressional district, was on the Mark Levin’s Life Liberty and Levin and stated, “I believe that the Ukraine knockoff sequel to the Russia hoax is a direct consequence of the humiliation that Adam Schiff a lot of folks on the left and frankly the mainstream media feel after peddling […]Read More

Close to Uncovering DNC Ukrainian Crime

Attkisson: If Sperry Reporting Correct CIA ‘Whistleblower’ Likely Worried Trump Admin Is Getting Close to Uncovering DNC Ukrainian Crimes ** The so-called “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella is a Democrat who had a “professional” tie to a 2020 Democrat. ** Ciaramella  coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it. ** Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called […]Read More

A Candidate’s Guide to Getting Listed on Ballotpedia and Vote

By @NYGuy13 In addition to mainstream social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, two great resources for candidates to reach potential voters are Ballotpedia (ballotpedia.org) and Vote Smart (votesmart.org). Let’s take a closer look at each and how to get listed: Ballotpedia.org Ballotpedia is a nonpartisan and nonprofit website run by the Lucy […]Read More


By Derameth Nasstra How the History of Feminism Ruined True Women’s Rights Moving from Constitutional equality to being silent on transgendered women taking away rights from women athletes this is how today’s feminists have become a travesty of their original purposes. The beginning of the movement actually started with women suffrage throughout the world.  The […]Read More

30 Big Hoaxes and Lies on Americans

by Corey Dig GLOBAL,  U.S. 30 BIG Hoaxes & Lies Perpetrated on Americans September 24, 2019 Confused by what’s real and what’s a hoax or a flat-out lie? The magnitude of hoaxes and lies being perpetrated by Deep State is so expansive, they had to cover their tracks by having Google/YouTube conceal search results for “hoax,” […]Read More

Schiff in TWO Lies!

by Matt Palumbo Liberal Fact Checker Catches Schiff in TWO Lies When it comes to the Democrats latest faux-scandal, this one regarding a phone call President Donald Trump had with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, the man leading the charge (Adam Schiff) just can’t stop lying. There was already reason to be skeptical of the whistleblower complaint […]Read More

Global corruption purge?

by Martin Geddes #TheStorm How to prepare for a global corruption purge? In the last few weeks my thoughts have drifted towards the events of this autumn that are going to shake our world. We have seen all the pieces being put in place for a mass justice event in the USA — the like […]Read More